Lucía Chumillas Bea

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flag-hu Hungary

Following these universities

flag-es Lucía Chumillas Bea

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Lucía activity

  • Roommate

    Looking for 2 separated bedrooms!

    Hi everyone! We will be an Erasmus students at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts from September and we are looking urgently for 2 separated bedroom in a flat to share with other people close to the university. Our budget is 200€ maximum, please let me know if you...

    in Roommates Budapest, 5 years ago
  • Roommate

    Future students of the MKE looking por a cheap and nice apartment

    Hello! We are two funny and creative girls from Valencia, we are Audiovisual Communication students. The next year we will move to Budapest to study at the MKE, so we are looking for flatmates or an acommodation near to Andrássy Avenue to share an apartment from...

    in Roommates Budapest, 5 years ago

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