Luca Montemaggio

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Luca activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Students 2014/2015 University College London

    Hey there! I will be a student at UCL, SELCS department, from September 2014 to around June 2015. And for Antonio: I haven't found an apartment yet, I'm waiting for UCL's response, but I REALLY want to find something more affordable and withdraw my request. I hope I can...

  • Forum

    Erasmus London 2014 / 2015 (English)

    Hello! My name is Luca, I'm from Rome (Italy) and I will be studying as an affiliate student at UCL, SELCS department, for the whole 2014-2015 year - nice to meet you! :) Although I have applied for a room in UCL's catered colleges, I would rather share an accommodation...

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