Forum entries by Luca
Hi! I'm interested too!
por Luca en Erasmus forum Milan -
Erasmus Valencia 2012 / 2013 (English)
I suggesto you the Blasco Ibanez's the place where live the most of the erasmus students, it's close to the universities and also to a lot of discoubs and bars...I lived there (near to the Mestalla Stadium) and for me it was the best position ;)
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Erasmus Valencia 2012 / 2013 (English)
Like me one year ago...I arrived in VLC on september 7th and I stayed one week in the hostel...and when lessons started I still was without home ;) but you all guys have to be quiet, you will find for sure an accomodation very soon; I suggesto you don't look online,...
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Erasmus Valencia 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi everybody! I'm an ex erasmus student of Valencia (I'm Italian) and I know all the difficulties of the first days of staying, so if you need any information don't exitate to ask me!! Furthermore, at the end of august I'll be there to visit some friends, so if you like...
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Contact - accomodation
Yeah, I think's better for you to ask in the forum, I think...
por Luca en Erasmus forum Milan -
Erasmus Valencia 2012 / 2013 (Español)
Hola chicos! Soy un ex-estudiante erasmus, estuve en Valencia el año pasado, si necesitais informaciones estoy feliz de poder ayudaros! Ademas, estarè en Vlc al final de agosto para visitar algunos amigos españoles, si quereis podemos quedar para visitar la ciudad o...
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Hola a todossss :P
Que suerte que teneis! yo he acabado mi periodo erasmus en Valencia hace una una ciudad maravillosa, habeis elegido muuy bien!! para cualquier informaciones podeis escribirme! hasta luego!
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hi, unfortunatly I have to leave Valencia and so there will be my room free! The flat is very close to university and the room will be available from the end of february...if someone is interested just ask me!
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
To share flat in september
I'm interested!
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)
I'm arriving tomorrow and I'll be at the Red Nest!
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hola Ivan! I'm interested in sharing a flat with spanish (and other nationalities) people! I'll arrive in VLC on september 7th, if you find a piso (in Benimaclet) and need a flatmete, ask me! Saludos!
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)
Marta, if you can, tell also to me if you know someone looking for a flatmate!gracias!
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)
I'm arriving the 7th! Have you still found a room?
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hola Chloe! I know that the best area to live is near Benimaclet! What are you studyng? In wich day you'll be in valencia?
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hola a todos! I'm arriving the september 7th (llike Inese) and I still haven't a room! Ask me if someone is looking for flatmate! I'll study at UV, campus Burjassot, and you?
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia -
Erasmus Valencia 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hola! I'm an Italian student and I'll be in Valencia from september!I will study chemistry at the UV...if someone is looking for a flatmate, ask me!
por Luca en Erasmus forum Valencia