Lea Schöning

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flag- Lea Schöning

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ASP Wladyslawa
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Lea activity

  • Roommate

    Looking for moommate/ shared flat

    Hey, I'm Lea from Hannover (Germany) and going to study Graphic Design for one semester  in Wroclaw. I would like to share a flat with some other erasmus students!I'm open minded, straightforward and spontaneous. In my freetime I love to travel, discover new places,...

    in Roommates Wroclaw, 8 years ago
  • Forum

    Erasmus Wroclaw 2016 / 2017 (English)

    Hey! I´m Lea from Germany. I'm studying Graphic Design and coming to Wroclaw in october :) At the moment i´m searching for a flatshare. Please contact me, if you have an tips where to live or want to share a flat!

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