Julene activity
Erasmus experience in Umeå, Sweden by Marcos
Why did you choose Umeå, Sweden as your destination? I was keen to have the experience of living in such a remote and peculiar place in Europe. I was very drawn to it by the natural environment as well. Umma, Sweden Source How long was your schoolarship for? How much...
Experience in Ibiza, Spain by Aida
How did you like living in Ibiza? Would you recommend it? How is it? It is an amazing place to live, with the only inconvenience that after a while the island starts to appear smaller, but after being away for a while you will miss it terribly. Ibiza Source How was the...
Erasmus experience in Milan, Italy by Andrea
Why did you choose Milan, Italy as your destination? I chose Milan because is the city of design and fits perfectly with my profession. Plus there are always events to go to and new things to see. Milan, Italy Source How long did your scholarship last? How much money...
Erasmus Milano 2017 / 2018 (English)
Hi guys, I will be attending the Universita degli studi di Milano in September/October and I'll be there 5 months. I am looking for flatmate that hopefuly will study in the same uni or one that is close, so we can rent an apartment close to uni. I speak English and...
por Julene en Erasmus forum Milan