Jikke de Mol van Otterloo
- Current city:
- Delft
- City of birth:
- Utrecht
- Host university:
- INSA Toulouse
- Home university:
- TU Delft
Jikke activity
Erasmus Toulouse 2021 / 2022 (English)
Hi everyone! My name is Jikke and together with my friend Meike, I will be coming to Toulouse next semester. We are both students from the Netherlands and are looking forward to meeting other international people in advance! We are both social and love to meet new...
por Jikke en Erasmus forum Toulouse -
Two 22-year-old Dutch students looking for Roommates for shared accommodation :)
Hi everyone! We are Meike and Jikke, two 22-year old students from the Netherlands who will be studying in Toulouse next semester and we would like to live with other International/French students next year! We are both social and like to meet new people. Also, we love...
in Roommates Toulouse, 3 years ago