Jacoba Dejaegher

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flag-es Spain

flag- Jacoba Dejaegher

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Jacoba activity

  • Forum

    Looking for roommates in Burgos 21/22

    Hello everyone! I'm Jacoba and i'm from Belgium. I'm 23 years old and a very happy, social person. I love to meet new people and be surrounded by friends. I graduated as a multilingual communicator (Spanish-French-Dutch) and I will go to Burgos to teach French in a...

  • Roommate

    23 year old social girl from Belgium, looking for roommates 21/22

    Hello everyone! I'm Jacoba Dejaegher and i'm from Belgium. I'm 23 years old and a very happy, social person. I love to meet new people and be surrounded by friends. I graduated as a multilingual communicator (Spanish-French-Dutch) and I will go to Burgos to teach French...

    in Roommates Burgos, 3 years ago

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