Ines Samara

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Ines activity

  • Forum

    Erasmus Murcia 2019 / 2020 (English)

    Hiii My name is ines i am a student from portugal and me and my friends ( one guy and one girl) are comin to murcia at the end of january and staying until the beginig of april, we ill ne doing a intership in the uni of biology. We are looking for a apartment with at...

  • Roommate

    1 chico y 2 chicas buscando un piso en el centro de murcia

    Ola Somos estudantes portugueses (1 rapaz e 2 raparigas) e vamos estagiar na Universidade  de biologia no departamento de ecologia e hidrologia a partir dos finais janeiro ate inicios de abril Procuramos um apartamento no centro de murcia perto de transportes,...

    in Roommates Murcia, 5 years ago

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