Hannah Huber
- Current city:
- Deggendorf
- City of birth:
- Host university:
- Home university:
Hannah activity
Erasmus Ghent 2022 / 2023 (English)
Hey, my name is Hannah, I'm 18 years old and studying business psychology. Next semester I'm going to spend in Ghent. I'm really excited to meet you all! :D
por Hannah en Erasmus forum Ghent -
18 year old girl searching for an accommodation and roomie in Ghent
Hey! My name is Hannah, I'm 18 years old and currently living in Germany. I'm studying business psychology in the second semester. In September 2022 I'm going to study in Ghent, Belgium. I'm searching for an accommodation or someone to share an appartement with. I'm...
in Roommates Ghent, 3 years ago