Gwendoline Pattier
- Current city:
- Rennes
- City of birth:
- Saint Malo
- Host university:
- WU
- Home university:
- UR1
Gwendoline activity
Erasmus Wroclaw 2016 / 2017 (English)
Hello, I am Gwendoline, I come from France. I am going to study law in University of Wroclaw for 10 months. I am looking for a flat with others erasmus students, so if someone is interested, you can contact me !! :)
por Gwendoline en Erasmus forum Wroclaw -
21 year old french girl looking for accomodation in Wroclaw
Hi, I am Gwendoline, I am come from france and I am 21 years old. I am going to Wroclaw for 10 months because I am going to study in University of Wroclaw in law. I would like to find a roommates because I love to live with others people, that's better to discover a...
in Roommates Wroclaw, 8 years ago