Gonçalo Pinheiro
- Current city:
- Portalegre
- City of birth:
- Beja
- Host university:
- WU
- Home university:
Gonçalo activity
Estudantes Portugueses em Wroclaw
Com o objectivo de se conhecer os portugueses que realizarão Erasmus em Woclaw (2016/2017)
por Gonçalo en Erasmus forum Wroclaw -
Erasmus Wroclaw 2016 / 2017 (English)
Hello, My name is Gonçalo Pinheiro and I am Portuguese. Next semester I will do Erasmus at Wroclaw University in Civil Engeneering. Anyone in the same situation as I am?...Please contact me :).
por Gonçalo en Erasmus forum Wroclaw