Garazi Iza
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Garazi activity
Erasmus Madrid 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hello! Helena a friend and I lookin for roomates we want a flat near Estacion de Atocha depending the university you will go to it can be a good location. We are both spaniards ( not from Madrid, we´ll go on a national exchange program) but we are lookin for erasmus...
por Garazi en Erasmus forum Madrid -
Erasmus Madrid 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hi Mathilde and Aggie! I wll study in Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid same dates. I´m not from there and I´m looking for foreign students as roomates to practice english and I help you with spanish. If you are interesed we can look for a flat :)
por Garazi en Erasmus forum Madrid -
Busco compañeras de piso erasmus/ looking for erasmus flatmate for language exchange (URJC)
Hi! I am a 21 years old spanish student from Bilbao and I´m moving to Madrid for next course starting october 1st with a National exchange program ( I want to move in the end of september). I would like to find erasmus students (preferably girls) to share a flat...
in Roommates Madrid, 10 years ago