Gabriel activity
No hace tanto frío. - Ropa, Clima
No es comparable, pero estoy en Ljubljana(Eslovenia)y me acuerdo que los primeros dias, viniendo de Huelva y su playa, me quería morir con 6ºC... ahora me rio, lo pasaba horrible con 6ºC(temblores, no sentía las manos y tal)... y ahora con -12ºC, el único cambio...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Umea -
Liubliana 2011/2012
Información sobre residencias: la universidad tiene una red de residencias, para sus alumnos, bastante baratas (por ejemplo, estoy pagando 80 euros/mes por habitación compartida con agua, luz, internet y calefacción incluidas) creo que entre los papeles que tendrás...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Ljubljana -
Lo más economico suele ser por Venecia, porque alli vuelan tanto air europa como Ryanair. Luego hay conexion tanto de bus como tren a Ljubljana por 20-25 euros...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Ljubljana -
Desde donde viajas?
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Ljubljana -
Erasmus Huelva 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi Aimiliani!! From where are you? Which airports are closer for you? depends of it, you could choose different routes ;)From Thessaloniki you can go to Sevilla, via Charleroi, Bergamo or London.... if you arrive to Sevilla would be great because is just 100 kms of...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi Aimiliani, we hope to have it on the first week of july (if we can, even we would put some of them before).Regards,
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi Dondü : Last year we had around 20 turkish students per semester (at least, according at ESN Huelva Database) and, in fact, I already know because of facebook group (in order to search it, put "ERASMUS HUELVA 2012-2013") one guy called Guray who is coming to study...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hi Maria!Right now, we (ESN Huelva) know there are 4-5 italians who will come, but don't worry, according to nationalities, italians are the biggest group in Huelva (around 140 people of 600 erasmus here). About housing: You can make two things...1º) Book it in advance...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hola Carlo. From Napoli: There are flight with Vueling Napoli-Sevilla, but one friend is doing his erasmus in Benevento and he told me is cheaper to take a train to Rome (3 hours) and Rome- Sevilla with Ryanair ;-)In Sevilla, take an intercity bus from airport to...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2012 / 2013 (English)
Andrea, now i listen there is also low-cost flights from Dubrovnik to Madrid! I know Zadar is closer, but maybe both flights are going to cost more than Dubrovnik-Madrid & Madrid-Huelva by bus!
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2012 / 2013 (English)
Antea : of course there are exceptions(I saw a flat for 130, expenses included), but between 170-210€ (here i also count the expenses as water, electricity...). Anyway, as I told you, is better if you get something in the center, or in La Merced(is going to be around...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2012 / 2013 (English)
I was in Split...nice city! Also in Karlovac, Dubrovnik, Zagreb...but the most beautiful place where I was in my erasmus, it was Plitvička Lakes!
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2012 / 2013 (English)
Bok Andrea!I'm volunteer in ESN Huelva (Erasmus Student Network Huelva)Well, the best zone is neighbourhoods called "LA MERCED", the center and zones near to the university. La merced is the zone of party, plenty of pubs and young people and IF YOU STUDY ECONOMICS OR...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
New photos in Huelva
gallery updated, 13 years ago -
Erasmus Huelva 2011 / 2012 (Español)
Hola! Me alegro que hayas escogido Huelva para Erasmus. Tengo que decir que soy de Huelva, aunque ahora estoy en Ljubljana(Eslovenia) de erasmus...así que siempre mi ciudad me va a parecer la mejor ;-) Si eres de Sicilia, no creo que tengas problemas con la forma de...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2011 / 2012 (English)
If you don't find any accomodation, please come to ESN in international Office and we will try to help you!
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2011 / 2012 (English)
Palos de la frontera is a town (10000 hab. more or less) not far away from Huelva, like 8-10 kms. I usually go by bus (the faculties of engineering are there so...) and there are buses each 30 minutes. They spend like 20 minutes to be in Palos. Although for sure Palos...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Huelva 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hola a todos! At first I'm happy and surprised at the same time, because each year more people choose Huelva to go erasmus! I saw days before that most of you are asking about apartments in Huelva. Well, im from the city so i don't need to search, but before...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Huelva -
Erasmus Liubliana 2011 / 2012 (Español)
Hola, me llamo Gabriel, y estoy ACTUALMENTE de erasmus en Ljubljana(asi que, desgraciadamente, no coincidiremos). Veo que os interesa el tema idioma y el tema residencias. Os copio-pego lo que puse en otro foro a un chico con los mismos...
por Gabriel en Erasmus forum Ljubljana