Farnaz Majidzade
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Farnaz activity
25 year old persian girl looking for accommodation in GRANADA near UGR
Hola! My name is Farnaz and I am looking for a flat and roomates in Granada! I am from Iran. I'm an Erasmus Mundus student and I will be going to Granada in September 2014. I am looking for a flat (Near Science faculty of UGR -Calle Fuente Nueva 18001- ideally!) with...
in Roommates Granada, 10 years ago -
Erasmus Granada 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hi! This is Farnaz. I will be going to Granada in September 2014. Would any one be interested in sharing flat or have a spare room?? I prefer it be near Science faculty of university of Granada. :) Thanks in advance.
por Farnaz en Erasmus forum Granada