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Erasmus experience in Valladolid, Spain

What is the reason why you decided to go to Valladolid, Spain?

It was the only place where Spanish was spoken as native language.

For how long did you get the scholarship? how much money did you get?

I was given the scholarship only for a semester. it was about 1700 euro total (i dont remember the exact amount).

Erasmus experience in Valladolid, Spain


Did you like the school environment at Valladolid?

It was great! even though the architecture teachers were a little bit wary and picky when it came to erasmus students.

Would you recommend the city of Valladolid and its schools to other students?

Yes i would, even if i would probably not recommend it to architecture students.

How is the food over there?

Great! you can eat really well in Spain (although it can't be compared to the italian cuisine!

Erasmus experience in Valladolid, Spain


How did you find accomodation?

I contacted an other erasmus student through a friend of mine.

What is the avarage price for accomodation? what about the cost of living?

The rent was pretty cheap, about 165 euros, and the cost of living was cheap too: grocery was chap, gasoline was cheap, tabacco was cheap....

What about the language? did you attend any spanish classses at school?

It was great! i learnt spanish very quickly living with 3 spanish flatmates! i also attended some spanish classes in a language school (not at the university) and it was really helpful especially for the grammar part.

What is the cheapest way to get to Valladolid from your city?

you can fly from Catania to Bergamo and then from Bergamo to Valladolid. otherwise there are other flights from Catania to Rome (or Milan) and then from Rome to Madrid and from Madrid; from Madrid you will have to take a train to Valladolid.

Would you recommend any good places for the nightlife in Valladolid?

All places are good! it depends on how you like spending the night!

Which restaurants or food places in Valladolid would you recommend? could you tell us about your favorite places?

I used to eat at home (spanish students don't like to eat out).

Would you advice us any point of cultural interest?

Besides "Patio Herreriano", "iglesia de San Pablo", "Antigua", "la facultad de derecho" and "el colegio de Santa Cruz" there are no more points of interest!

Erasmus experience in Valladolid, Spain


Is there any advice you would give to future students in Valladolid?

I would say that any place you will have your erasmus experience is going to be to be the best experience of your life!

Valladolid is amazing and i would never imagine my erasmus experience in any other place!

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