Expérience dans Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, France par Nabil
Generally, what is Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III like?
This university if pretty calm, at the entrance, there's a beautiful lawn to sit, be calm and breath.
What are the facilities like?
The premises are not great, there are rather old.
What are the tutors like?
It depends on the professor, but globally there are great in my opinion.
Are the lessons easy in Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III?
Yes, it's pretty easy. It's not an elective faculty.
Does the University organize activities; what are they like?
I don't know, but I never saw any activities, there's no communication, I think.
Do you think the teaching is of a high quality?
Again it depends on the courses, but globally, yes.
Are there any stories you can share?
Not really.
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Comments (2 comments)
Which residence do you recommend?
Actually i really recommend You the Student résidence of ''vert bois''. It's close to the university.