Erasmus Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III
in university dorms Paris
in university dorms Paris
in university dorms Paris
Things to know before your year abroad at Sorbonne University, Paris
I want to address a particular chapter of my Parisian life, the one that relates to my year abroad at Sorbonne. Anyone interested in French literature will recognise the name of the prestigious institute where such big names as Honoré de Balzac, Jean Paul Sartre and...
Experience at the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, France by Maira
How is the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III in general? I like it a lot and I want to continue studying there. . Source How are the locals? Normal. And the teachers? The best in the world. Is it easy to succeed at the Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III...
Experience in University New Sorbonne - Paris III, France by mayssam
Generally, what is University New Sorbonne - Paris III like? It is not a very big university, we have 2 main buildings, I would say that I like this university but sometimes the administration is not really good, they leave you alone to deal with your problems.What are...
Paris -A city of dreams
Paris is a very unique city that anyone would love to visit atleast once in their life time.The city is worldly famous as the City of Romance.As far as I'v heard it is being called so because any visitor would hear french all around him or her when he or she is in...
Impressions from university
I want to give you some impressions about the daily life at French universities, especially the Sorbonne Nouvelle, which I attended. The Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 is part of the universités de la Sorbonne, which are three universities: the Panthéon-Sorbonne, the...
New photos in University New Sorbonne - Paris III
gallery updated, 15 years ago