Erasmus Université Catholique de Lille
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in rooms for rent in shared flats Lille
in rooms for rent in shared flats Lille
New photos in Lille Catholic University
gallery updated, 6 years ago -
Experience at Lille Catholic University, France by Sarah.
How is Lille Catholic University in general? A good university overall, good atmosphere! How are the locals? Very good, almost all the rooms are well equipped! And the teachers? All in all, their good! Is it easy to succeed at Lille Catholic University? If you put in a...
Lille and Traveling in Europe
Source What I like about Lille is that it's easy to travel around Europe. It's only a few hours by bus or train from Paris and London and about 2-3 hours from Charleroi Airport. From Charleroi Airport, you can get really cheap tickets to fly anywhere in Europe. I went...