Erasmus Universidad de Almería [La Cañada de San Urbano]
in rooms for rent in shared flats Almeria
in flats and apartments Almeria
in flats and apartments Almeria
Discovering Almeria
Studying in Almeria gave me the chance to fully enjoy not only an overseas study program, but also Spain! Sea, sun, palms everywhere and perfect weather... what else do you need to motivate you to study? The professors of UAL were very smart and friendly and they were...
International food tasting
English classes, one of the best subjects which I could choose. It is amazing when people from all over the world meet and learn the English language. During classes we have the opportunity to talk about differences between our cultures and about our countries. Moreover...
New photos in University of Almería
gallery updated, 9 years ago -
New photos in University of Almería
gallery updated, 10 years ago -
New photos in University of Almería
gallery updated, 14 years ago -
New photos in University of Almería
gallery updated, 15 years ago