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Experience in Turin, Italy, by Federico

Published by flag-it federico rossini — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-it Erasmus experiences Turin, Turin, Italy

What is it like to live in Turin? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

It's a beautiful city with many parks and monuments. Part of the city center is closed to traffic and there are beautiful hills where you can go to have a wonderful view from above of the city. You can also move with bike, but the are few bike lanes. There are two lines of metro but they cover just a little part of the city.

Suburbs are also nice and full of vegetation. I recommend it.

What is the student lifestyle like in Turin?

It dipends on the kind of person you are considering. If you want to study there are many libraries where you can do that, also there are many university. The best of which is 'politecnico'. If instead you prefer to have party you can find different occasions.

How much does it cost to live in Turin?

It is not too expensive. I think one person living alone would spend 600-800 € for month.

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