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Erasmus Experience in Torino, Italy by Romy

Published by flag- Romy P — 8 years ago

0 Tags: flag-it Erasmus experiences Turin, Turin, Italy

Why did you choose to go to Turin, Italy?

I was interested in the company I do my internship in

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I get 450€ per Month from the ERASMUS+ programm

What is the student lifestyle like in Turin?

there is a big community of ERASMUS students in Turin so you can find a group very fast

Would you recommend the city and the University of Turin to other students?


What is the food like?

lots of carbs! but everyone loves pizza and pasta so you can survive :D

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Turin?


How much does it cost to live in Turin?

between 300 and 500 if you do not want to share the room to sleep, I pay 400 per month,

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

there are courses available but I learned by myself and am able to understand almost every conversation and can also lead simple conversations after only three month, so I would say the language is "easy" to learn

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Turin from your city?

the cheapest way from Germany is to take the plane to Milano (starting from 10€)

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Turin?

Honestly I do not like the Nightclubs in Turin. The Sound has a bad quality, it is very crowded and incredible expensive! If you have a special offer for the evening: okay, BUT: I would always prefer Apericena in restaurants, pubs with ERASMUS events like the language-tandem :)

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Turin?

Just try, italians really know how to do Pizza, almost everywhere ;)

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

The egyptian museum is awesome! it took me the whole day to see and I barely finished, it is wonderful

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Turin in the future?

Relax! In Italy everything is a little bit slower. And try to speak italian with the people (most italians do not understand english). They really like when you speak in italian even if it is not good and they will always help you :)

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