Erasmus Politechnika Lodzka
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Experience in Technical University of Lodz, Poland by Patrycja
Generally, what is Technical University of Lodz like? Ready to improve and be a part of world wide range of schools. Open and eager to send and receive students abroad.What are the facilities like? High level of knowledge and technical background.What are the tutors...
My Erasmus in Łódź, Poland
Hello everybody, As I just finished my erasmus in Łódź, I would like to share my experience, to make it easier for you to choose/think about this city :) BRRRHHH, What to start with? First of all, the university was quite good. The Students assistance office that...
Experience in Technical University of Lodz, Poland by Łukasz
Generally, what is Technical University of Lodz like? Good, professional place. Where you will learn a lot of useful things but still you can spend your time in a nice and funny way at parties or in many students organizations.What are the tutors like? Most of them are...
Experience in Technical University of Lodz, Poland by Karolina
Generally, what is Technical University of Lodz like? It is a very good university, the best in Lodz and one of the best in Poland. The quality of education is very high and you can learn a lot. You will also have to study a lot, because it is not so easy to pass every...
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gallery updated, 15 years ago