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Experience in Tokyo, Japan by Natsumi

Published by flag- Natsumi Murata — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-jp Erasmus experiences Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

What places would you recommend visiting in Tokyo?

To find shrines and temples is pretty fun. They are usually behind tall building so it is like treasure hunt! Throw coins and prey, then it is time for Omikuji! You pick up a number and a shrine maiden will give you a paper. It tells your future. If It is bad luck, you should tie the paper with the tree near temple, and temple will protect you from bad luck. The other hand, if you get good future, you carry it in your purse or wallet all the time. The paper will protect you. It sounds unique for you, but seriously many Japanese believe this.You can experience traditional Japanese custom to visit shrines and temples.

Is it good to eat out in Tokyo? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

You will not have trouble with finding restaurants in center of Tokyo. But I tell you which area are cheap and fancy. If you want to eat cheap good foods, I recommend Ikebukuro, Ueno, Shibuya, Shinjuku. Even at food court in a mall, definitely you can enjoy your meal at very low places. If you are in the mood for fancy foods or special occasion, you should go to Roppongi and Meguro. Many foreigners live in this areas, you can enjoy fancy foods.

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