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Tarragona experience, Spain by Javier

Tarragona experience, Spain by Javier


What is life like in Tarragon? Would you recommend it? What is it like?

Tarragon is a small city considering how much it has. It is calm, it has plenty of public transport to get to nearly every place and you have everything very handy. However, in my opinion, it lacks life. There is not a broad area of pubs to go out, nor do they put on very many cultural events nor concerts. It has the inconvenience of Salou which is too close, 10 minutes by bus and that city has all the parties. However the partying in Salou is not a party for students, it is expensive because it is a tourist destination.

What is student life like in Tarragona?

Student life in Tarragona is good on Thursdays when you go out partying and you see certain bars and pubs which are not full on other days during the week. However, following on from what I said before: it lacks to remark its university character, to deploy a series of special services for university students like those in other cities.

How much does it cost to live in Tarragona?

Living in Tarragon is not particularly expensive, it is normal for a city of its size. Your standard flat can cost between 150 and 200 euros. You can find some bargains of 120 euros and some ripoffs of 230 euros a month. Little glasses of beer are your usual cost (1. 50-2 euros), the spirit and mixers too (4-8 euros, depending on the place and time). There are all types of supermarkets to do your shopping, shops for major chains and brands... in this sense it is not an expensive city.

Was it difficult to find accommodation in Tarragona? Can you offer an advice?

The best way to find accommodation in Tarragon if you are a university student is the 'borsa d'habitatge de la URV' (URV Housing Service) where people generally post their adverts. Some hang posters around the city like in other cities but it works here in Tarragona. Above all, the best places to live in Tarragona are in 'Las Ramblas' or in the areas around 'Ramblas'.

What is the food like in Spain? What are your favourite dishes?

The food is typical Catalan food with its sausages, its rice dishes and the most typical between December and April: the calçots (a type of scallion or green onion). People meet in the countryside and have barbecues to grill this vegetable and spend the day in the countryside. It is usually dipped in romesco sauce.

Tarragona experience, Spain by Javier


What places do you recommend visiting in Tarragona?

To visit, in Tarragona, it is essential to get lost all over the place. Out there I would recommend visiting the market and the Roman Forum.

And to eat in Tarragona? Can you name your favourite places?

To eat well you can find some restaurants on the Rambla Nova and on the cross streets, but to eat a typical Tarragonina meal you have to go to Serrallo. That's where the best value for money is.

What places do you recommend for going out in Tarragona?

The main, basic and essential (although a bit full of fancy people and every day more elitist) is "Les Golfes Club". Indie and alternative music mixed with electronics and very good atmosphere. Around this area, you have several other places: the Fixat'hi, the planetarium, the 'Llar del Pernil' (to drink cheap drinks without taking bottles in the street, that is prohibited and the fines are big) and the room Zero.

Any advice you want to give to future students in Tarragona?

Enjoy it a lot!

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