A little thought for Catalonia Independence
Today I (despite being away from Tarragona for a thousand miles)have witnessed the image of the people of Cataluna unanimously for their voices. There is no bloodshed, but a lot of tears.
They fought for what seemed like the course of a democratic in European Union like Spain, fought for the right to vote and spoke up.
Many people have flocked to the voting place since the day they were balloting, in case the Spanish government would send troops and police to suppress them, in order to prevent them from voting. The Spanish government does not want to recognize this voice, and everywhere in Cataluna, especially in large cities, the same thing happens today.
Early in the morning, armed police, bulletproof outfits surrounded the school. The school has a ballot box, and there are people who have been here since nightfall to protect it. The streets that connected to this school police stopped the car. The people inside the gate, though predictable, are not afraid. Their family and friends are outside, wishing the police to withdraw. Gunshots broke out. The crowd was lucky not too chaotic.
Although the tears have fallen, police began to use arms, batons, up those on their way with their hands raised up unarmed and peaceful. They chant "We want to vote" and sing Cataluna's song. There was no flag bearing Catalun's independent desires today.
Police in Tarragona
in the centre of placa de tarraco
In my opinion, they, the people of Cataluna, have expressed their wish very well. At this moment, they just want their voices to be heard and respected whether the votes are to stay or leave Spain. In response to the more explosive gunshots though not aimed at specific people. The screams of screams for relatives and friends were attacked by police weapons.
The song is still ringing. The police pour more and create clear pressure to get inside the school area to take away the documents and the ballot boxes, not to struggle with the unarmed crowd.
A sad image for the beautiful country like Spain where people have to defend themselves against their own police force, just to express their legitimate desires.
It was so stupid to prevent any kind of democratic practice such as voting, it is agaisnt the wish of people
I was born and raised in Vietnam, a country where, when it comes to names, people remember the Civil Vietnam War backed by two great powers of the American and Soviet, but fortunately at my generations, the war has passed away.
In Vietnam , I would have never witnessed a scene of violence as it is today, with crowds, screams, gunshots and cries for the desire to exercise human rights eventhough as Vietnam is still ruled by the communism, I hope that oneday soon in the future, I will see the similar things happened in Vietnam as my people raised up against the Communist Regime.
It has never been easy for the people's wish for independence to go against the interests of the dominant.
There might be people who will choose not to notice, there will also be people who will wake up in their national pride and ideals!
All the photos are from my friends in Tarragona
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