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Erasmus Experience in Stockholm, Sweden by Vincent

Why did you choose to go to Stockholm, Sweden?

I wanted to discover a Scandinavian country, and Stockholm was one of my possible destinations with regard to the links my school in France have (Polytech Nice-Sophia).


How long is your stay? How much financial aid do you receive?

My stay is for one semester so around five months. I should receive a little less than €1000 from my region (PACA) for the whole of my stay, plus a CROUS scholarship of €100 per month.

What is the student environment like?

It is a good environment but mainly because of Erasmus. It is rare to mingle with Swedes outside of classes.

Would you recommend the city and Stockholm's university to other students?

I am not at university but at KTH, an engineering school. It is a very renowned school so you should expect to have quite a lot of work, which is the case for me. But it looks great on a CV.

How is the food in this country?

As a Frenchman I can't help but miss French food! The food is different, one could say. There are quite a few things that I was not used to eating but you can manage to find what you're looking for. As for me, I almost did not have to change my habits.


Did you have difficulty finding accommodation in Stockholm?

Yes... I didn't have the chance to get university accommodation from KTH so I had to find accommodation by myself. I of course started looking before arriving in Stockholm, but I had still spent about ten days in a youth hostel when I found accommodation.

Do not hesitate to send loads of emails and give phone calls. Give priority to websites in Swedish like Blocket (the Swedish Leboncoin) but beware of scams... never pay in advance before having seen the apartment with your own eyes. Out of all the mail responses I received, almost half were scams. So, I'll say it again - the golden rule is: Don't pay in advance!

What is the cost of living in Stockholm?

Living is on the whole quite expensive. Not necessarily for everything, but transport and day-to-day products are expensive. After that, a pint for €8 is almost the same price as in France.

How is it learning the language? Have you had language lessons organised by the university?

I'm learning Swedish at A1 (beginner) level via a course at KTH. It's an interesting course which gives a change of pace from other classes. I met many people through this course. However the pace is quite sustained and if you want to have a good level and really learn something from this class, you will have to work a lot!

What is the cheapest way of getting to Stockholm from your city?

I took a plane from Paris.

Which places would you recommend for partying in Stockholm?

There are many clubs with different atmospheres and bars/pubs with a lot of live sports and live music. Other than that student residence halls are of course favoured for parties. Try to like Swedish student society pages and Erasmus on Facebook - they organise quite a few club nights.


And where are your favourite places to eat in Stockholm?

I haven't tried any restaurants for the moment as they are rather expensive.

What cultural visits do you recommend?

They are loads of parks to see and nature is omnipresent here. The park is often free and there is an optional payment for certain parts like a museum in Skansen or the ruins of the royal palace in Hagaparken. There are also many museums (Nobel, Modern, Post, Army, Photography, Vasa... ).


Any advice to give to future students in Stockholm?

If you can, prepare yourself well in advance for finding accommodation, and most of all don't be discouraged! I know no-one who didn't find accommodation in the end despite the difficulty.

And if you have time (and money) travel! It's very easy to go to Norway, Finland, Denmark, Russia (passports needed), Lithuania, Estonia etc. from Stockholm. Try to go up north towards the Arctic Circle to see incredible landscapes and especially the Northern Lights!

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