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Experience in Sofia, Bulgaria by Lyubomir

Published by flag-bg Lyubomir Dokov — 7 years ago

0 Tags: flag-bg Erasmus experiences Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria

What is it like to live in Sofia? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

It's a great city for young people. Prices are low compared to those in Western European countries. The food is also very cheap and delicious. Most people are very kind and friendly but younger people are the ones who speak English the most. The nightlife is one of tye best things in the city. Locals know how to party! Architecture is old but very interesting.

What is the student lifestyle like in Sofia?

In general, studying, chilling, partying and working are the main activities of an average student in Bulgaria.

How much does it cost to live in Sofia?

It's very cheap. Prices for good accommodation might be 100 euros maximum. Transport and food are extremely cheap.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Sofia? Is there any advice you can give?

I am not familuar with the offers for accommodation in Sofia. Maybe look for an appartment and share it with a couple of other students. That would be the cheapest. Student buildings are old but there are some brand new ones.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Musaka, tarator, lyutenitsa and YOGURT.

What places would you recommend visiting in Sofia?

Aleksander Nevski cathedral!

Is it good to eat out in Sofia? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Its good depending on the places of course. Buy fast food from places in which you would see other peoole buy.

Is the nightlife good in Sofia? Where is good to go?

The list is big. There is something for all kinds of listeners. Try some Events in Mixtape, for example.

What advice would you give future students heading to Sofia?

Don't go for the first taxi you see - might get ripped off. TaxiMe is a great app for calling the best taxi. Keep your money safe. You might get robbed as a foreigner.

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