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Experience in Sofia, Bulgaria by Agata

Published by flag-pl Agata Barczykowska — 11 years ago

0 Tags: flag-bg Erasmus experiences Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria

What is it like to live in Sofia? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Sofia, or maybe generally Bulgaria is like Poland 20 years ago (if we're talking about it, how Sofia looks like) but I guess that it's a great place to visit or to go on the Erasmus (like me). If I have an opportunity to go on the Erasmus once again and choose - it will be Sofia for sure. Like this atmosphere and the city, completely different than polish cities.

What is the student lifestyle like in Sofia?

Student lifestyle in Sofia is awesome! You don't have to attended at all your classes (because it's Bulgaria and they don't care about it as much). Moreover there is sth like a Studentski Grad - where live around 60.000 of students. That's really great. There are a lot of restaurants, pool, a lot of discos etc.

How much does it cost to live in Sofia?

Don't know exactly because I didn't counting, but living is Sofia is cheap, moreover that 1euro is around 2leva

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Sofia? Is there any advice you can give?

There is a lot of hostels, flats or hotels, but if u're coming to Sofia on the student exchange for sure u will get a place in a dormitory (which is so cheap - around 60lv per month)

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Typical bulgarian food is so delicious but not spicy :/
And for me the best is Shopska salata and Kavyrma

What places would you recommend visiting in Sofia?

There is a lot of places, which u should see in Sofia: NDK, Borison gardens, Sveti Kliment Ohridski University, Serdika, Vitosha street, Vitosha mountain, Ivan Vazov Theatre, church of Aleksander Nevski etc.

Is it good to eat out in Sofia? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Generally all of the Bulgarian eat out in restaurants or somewhere and that's good idea, because u can try typical bulgarian food

Is the nightlife good in Sofia? Where is good to go?

Nightlife in Sofia is so good. If u wanna feel that u are in Bulgaria - it is good to go to some chalga clubs in Studentski Grad, for example: Cotton Club or Megadance. There are also normal clubs like: Gramophone, Morgan's bar, Cosmo club or Tiki bar.

What advice would you give future students heading to Sofia?

Enjoy ur staying in Bulgaria!

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