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Erasmus experience in Seville, Spain by Mélanie

Why did you choose to go to Seville, Spain?

I've always enjoyed studying Spanish and Spain is a country I really like. Before this experience, I had never had the opportunity to travel in Andalusia. When I saw that my university was offering to go to Seville, I didn't hesitate.

Erasmus experience in Seville, Spain by Mélanie


How long does your stay last? How much do you get from your scholarship?

My stay in Seville started on 13th September 2016 and will end in early July 2017. I'm not sure about how much I get because there have been a lot of changes during the year. However, I benefit from two scholarships this year, and it is totally enough to enjoy my experience without any problem! For now, I just received one out of the two. Do not expect to receive the money quickly and all at once. Indeed, for Erasmus scholarships, you get 70% of it during your stay, and then the 30% remaining will be given at the end of it.

How is the student lifestyle in Seville?

I was quite surprised by the large amount of Erasmus students in Seville! It's impressive, I feel like I'm running into Erasmus students ten times a day, haha! The atmosphere is awesome, students come from all over the world and all of them are very nice. Students parties are organised several times a week and it's quite cheap for Erasmus students. It is a great opportunity to make new friends.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Seville to other students?

I would recommend it a thousand times, both the city and the university. The city is a gem. There are a lot of monuments to visit and beautiful places to see, you never get bored of its beauty.

About the university, almost every sector has its own building. That's why I don't really have this feeling of a big university like in Lyon, where I study in France. To me, the atmosphere is more relaxed and the lessons are more attractive and interesting. Spanish students have a relationship with their teachers we don't have in France. And this manner of studying is way more pleasant to me.

How is the food like there?

The food is quite typical: paella, tapas, montaditos (tiny sandwiches), etc. One of the specialities are the churros! You can find it in most of the restaurants in the city. It comes with a typical hot chocolate (more like melted chocolate, thicker than what we are used to). To sum up, loads of restaurants offer a very broad and appetising range of dishes!

Erasmus experience in Seville, Spain by Mélanie


Has it been hard to find accomodation in Seville?

I wouldn't say it has been hard because you have quite a lot of options on the internet, loads of websites are dedicated to it. However, what I found difficult was to find a flat which would correspond to my criteria. You have to know that the style is quite different from what you may be used to. It is quite hard to find a really modern and up-to-date flat. In hindsight, I would say that the most important things to take into account is the price (250-300 euros is enough to find a good flat-share in Seville ), air-conditioning (the heat is stifling in summer) and the location (you can find the different districts on the internet). I advise you to start looking in June, when the students leave their flat.

What is the cost of living in Seville?

The cost of living is very reasonable in Seville. Generally speaking, everything is more or less cheaper than in France. It's possible to go to the cinema for 4 euros, to eat and have a drink for less than 10 euros, to get a Sevici subscription for 30 euros, going to clubs for free...

Moreover, I recall that scholarships really help enjoying this experience without any problem!

How do you cope with learning the language? Have you been to Spanish classes organized by the university?

About the language, the arrival has been a bit tough for me. I noticed a big difference between my good grades in Spanish at the university and my actual level. Expressing myself and understanding people has been complicated. You have to know that in Andalusia, the Spanish accent is very strong. They speak very fast and swallow letters, which adds difficulty. But you keep learning without even noticing it. For me, my best progress have been done during the first months in Seville. At the end of the first month, I started to understand people without too much difficulty. After three months, I started to be able to talk and have a long conversation. The big change has been when I went to the cinema to watch a movie in Spanish. I went out having understood the three quarters of the movie.

First, I was supposed to go to Spanish classes once a week, but the schedule I had with my other classes prevented me from doing it. It is very difficult to organise your own schedule so I did my best but it hasn't been possible. Next semester I'll be able to have a Spanish classes. But I would like to stress the fact that having the opportunity to study the subjects you want is a real chance.

Erasmus experience in Seville, Spain by Mélanie


What is the cheapest way to travel to Seville?

I never considered anything else but flying to Seville. Why? Because it's faster. If you look carefully you can find very cheap flights.

Seville is 1600 km far from my hometown, which means 16 hours driving. With road tolls, oil... I think driving to Seville wasn't the cheapest solution.

What places would you recommend to party in Seville?

There are loads of places to party, it really depends on what you are looking for. To me, the best clubs are: Abril, Badalai, Uthopia.

And to eat in Seville? What are your favourite places?

A lot of bars and restaurants offer very good tapas, dishes, montaditos... I really enjoy eating next to the Cathedral, in Metropol Parasol and in Alameda! I would avise El Pintón to eat very good dishes, and 100 Montaditos to eat quickly and cheap, or ever Duo Tapas!

And what cultural visits would you advise?

To me, the most amazing place in Seville is Plaza de España. It is a mind-blowing!

Erasmus experience in Seville, Spain by Mélanie


A piece of advice to future students in Seville?

I would advise to live this experience to the fullest! Don't hesitate and do it. You will always have insecurities or fears before you leave but you will get over it very quickly!

I advise you to enjoy the parties, the events and trips organised by Erasmus organisations (ErasmusClubSevilla, ESN, WeLoveSpain). With a bit of will, it is easy to do both leisure and studies, so don't worry about that!

It is an extraordinary experience which allows you to meet a lot of very nice people, to visit cities and countries but it is also and adventure which helps to grow up and become more independent.

Erasmus experience in Seville, Spain by Mélanie


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