12 hours train Barcelona-Sevilla? Estás loca?

Published by flag-ru Elena Kilina — 12 years ago

Blog: experience in Spain
Tags: flag-es Erasmus blog Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain

Si, si, I am! But when you are still undecided (sometimes lost) graduate student always searching for cheap options, there are no many variants to choose. So, expectation: would be hot, stinky and crowded almost 12 hours Barcelona-Seville train. Successfully getting many times label “crazy” from my Spanish friends I’ve got to this train and surprisingly it was not so bad. And the chance to see interesting landscape from the window can be always the reason to justify tedious distance. Despite the theme was highlighted about train I was sleeping almost all the time, so let me say a few words about magic of Barcelona.

Many words are written, tons of poems are created, and million films are shown about the phenomenon of Antoni Gaudí Casa and his tremendous architecture, about unique Sagrada Familia and enormous Park Güell where you can literally touch casa of Gaudi, or blessing city view from Fortress Montjuïc. So no need to repeat all those beautiful narrations but things which were around me my staying in Barcelona should be mentioned. Colors and sea-mountain core is the base of Barcelona. Impossible not to take off the eyes from old Catalonian houses with blue walls and red curtains, not to stuck in cozy tiny bars with tinto de verano and occasional flamenco sounds, not to get lost in Gracia area while of night riding bike., not to meet friends of friends in hidden bars of abandoned theater with the gypsum figure of Lenin in the center (btw weird) and finally not to enjoy the best Spanish concept-siesta.

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Comments (3 comments)

  • flag-es Javier López 12 years ago

    Really good start, Elena. Welcome to the contest! A piece of advice: you can insert a photo (or several) in your content by editing and then clicking in the thumbnail photo. They will look great inside!

  • flag-ru Elena Kilina 12 years ago

    gracias, Javier!

  • flag-gb Lpg Spain 12 years ago

    You can now travel from Barcelona non-stop to Malaga (missing Madrid) in just five and a half hours... Travel High Speed from London to Malaga The new and latest link in the Spanish AVE high speed train network was opened today between Barcelona and Figueres on the Spanish/French border. So now you can catch the high speed train from London to Paris, change for a train to the Spanish border, hop on the next stage to Barcelona, and finally change for the non-stop AVE link right the way though to Sevilla, Cordoba and Málaga in southern Spain. http://www.leadingpropertygroupspain.com/en/2013/01/travel-high-speed-from-london-to-malaga/

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