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Experience in Salamanca, Spain, by José

What is it like to live in Salamanca? Would you recommend it?

Salamanca is a small town. It's calm, safe, and emanates life. At all hours you'll find people in the street, which is an essential characteristic of Spanish culture. Salamanca is well-connected with the rest of Spain thanks to highways, trains and even a small airport. It's a university town, very historical, and this is what makes everyday life there so good.

What's the student life like in Salamanca?

The student life marks they day to day. The city has a population of approximately 150, 000, but from that number you have to add around 50, 000 students who come to Salamanca to study from all around Spain and the world.

For students from abroad who come to study Spanish, Salamanca is the ideal place! In Salamanca they speak the authentic Spanish (pure castellano, the language of Cervantes).

How much does it cost to live in Salamanca?

To live... it can appeal to those who want to spend little or spend a bit more. Let's say that with 600 euros per month you can live perfectly.

Was it difficult to find housing in Salamanca? What advice would yo give?

Finding housing is easy. The city is full of ads offering good deals on rooms, flats and residences, even on host families, etc.

If you want, feel free to get in touch with me.

¿What's the local food like? What are your favorite dishes?

The food is avant-gardist and worldly, just like Spanish cuisine. It's a Mediterranean cuisine. The bars are famed for their famous tapas. My favorite dishes are: paella, lentils and roast lamb.

Where would you recommend visiting in Salamanca?

I would recommend visiting the entire Old Town.

What are your favorite restaurants in Salamanca?

There are many restaurants, bars, university dining halls.

There really isn't a problem with food. I can't nominate places in particular because I love to cook and I rarely go out to eat.

Where are the best places to go party in Salamanca?

There's every type of style of music so anyone can decide where they wanna go.

Would you have any advice for future students going to Salamanca?

Enjoy life in Salamanca, it will be an experience that marks you for the rest of your lives.

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