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Tre Martiri Square

  - 1 opinions

A historical square in the centre of Rimini

Translated by flag-gb Kate Norman — 6 years ago

Original text by flag-pe Jesus en su tinta

Hello, I hope that each and every one of you is well. Today, dear readers, I am going to tell you about one of the most well-known squares in Rimini. This square is called Tre Martiri and it is one step away from what would be the famous arch of Augusto which, as you already know, is an icon of the city.

A historical square in the centre of Rimini

When I first started to find out more about the Tre Martiri Plaza, I was very surprised when I found out that this square was where the old Roman Forum was located in the city. As you have read, in Roman times the Tre Martiri square was the place where the people of power in the city went to do their debates and be in contact with the rest of the population.

The Plaque of the Three Martiris:

Furthermore, let me tell you that the name Tre Martiri comes from the bravery of three Rimini citizens that died during the war. If you look closely, you will find a commemorative plaque right here about this fact. You can also find the names of three other people who died: Mario Cappelli, Luigi Nicolo, Adelio Pagliarani

A historical square in the centre of Rimini

I would also like to tell you, dear friends, that this is not all you can find inside the Tre Martiri Plaza! There is also a temple and a little temple of Saint Antonio de Padua, where apparently a miracle of a mule occurred when this Christian Saint visited Rimini.

The statue of the Roman Emperor:

Inside the Tre Martiri plaza, there is a sculpture that honours one of the Roman emperors called Julius Cesar. This sculpture can be found just next to the plaza as someone who wants to go to the university where the Alberti rooms are.

A historical square in the centre of Rimini

Something I like about this square is that you can also find a huge clock that gives the time, and there are clothes shops surrounding it so that you can browse what they have there. There is also a pharmacy, however the things in there aren't very cheap, so it's better to buy things when there are promotions on. There is also the fair market that arrives on Wednesdays and Saturdays in this part of town in the mornings.

A historical square in the centre of Rimini

Another thing I like about this square is that you will always find a small flower shop where they sell all kinds of flowers such as Cyclamines which somehow contribute to the beauty of the place. Finally, inside the plaza on one of the sides, you will find an information panel with all the tourist information about what to see in Rimini. The truth is that I have only used this once to see what information there was, if you have internet you can download the app when you arrive at the square to know more about the history of Rimini and the different places in it.

A historical square in the centre of Rimini

I hope that you liked this short explanation of another place you can explore in Rimini. I'll see you in the next one, until next time dear readers!

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