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Experience in Presov, Slovakia by Lenka

Published by flag-sk Lenka Mormakova — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-sk Erasmus experiences Presov, Presov, Slovakia

What is it like to live in Presov? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

The city is great for those who like cultural cities with rich history. The nature is wonderful and it is very common to go hiking to spend the day. It is close to Kosice, the second largest city in Slovakia, where you can have even more fun, if you think Presov is not enough.

The city is a treasure, hidden from the mass tourism, which only adds to its atmosphere.

Worth a visit, especially if you are able to discover beauty and know it when you see it.


What is the student lifestyle like in Presov?

Going to school, socializing, having picnics on the lawn by the school, selecting the courses and discussing in the seminars, hitting the town on Fridays and Saturdays, checking out some touristic attractions on Sundays...

The dormitories are not separated, but the rooms are boys-only or girls-only.

How much does it cost to live in Presov?

It depends.

The dormitory usually costs around 80 EUR per month, if you are lucky to get one. Otherwise, living in a flat may cost from 100 euros up.

Food is cheap, lunch menus are usually around 3 euros, pizzas 7, beer 1 euro. There are many malls with cheap food, there is also a TESCO opened 24/7.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Presov? Is there any advice you can give?

Start ahead. The university provides accommodation for exchange students but make sure it does before it is full. For students, that is usually the best solution, as the dormitory is located in the same campus, cca 1 min from the university.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Difficult question, because I love everything.

But let me see... The soups are great, I love the sour cabbage soup, the chicken soup, the cream broccoli soup, also national dishes like halusky or pirohy...

Pizzas are great and delicious, also pastas... It is very hard to choose.

I love sweet pancakes filled with apples and cinnamon, I love dumplings filled with plum jam (must eat, especially home made ones).

What places would you recommend visiting in Presov?

The main street, the streets parallel to it, Kalvaria - the church on the hill with the great view of the city and surrounding mountains; there are also at least 3 castle ruins which are popular hiking destinations; Sidlisko 3 is nice and there is a bike lane from the university - you may sit by the river or follow the road that goes through a forest to the next village situated under the castle ruins (Velky Saris). There is a brewery in the same village as well (you need to make an appointment to visit the premises, though).

It is very close to Kosice, if one city is not enough.

Is it good to eat out in Presov? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

It is very good to eat out. I do not want to advertise, but you will have time to get to know almost all the places in the city, as it is not that big.

Is the nightlife good in Presov? Where is good to go?

Biking is great, there are many ways to use and many bikers around (do not leave your bike unattended). You can practice also volleyball and ice hockey.

What advice would you give future students heading to Presov?

Prepare for the fact that it is not close to any airport which would help you discover Europe - train and bus is the way. If you are under 26, you are lucky and in 2 months you can receive student discount (half the price).

It can be really cold in the winter, so be ready. If you do not want to spend money for clothes, you can go to second hand shops.

You can drink tap water without any problem. All safe. The water sold in the shops is usually sparkling.

Beer is cheaper than water.

Learn some Slovak.

Join the facebook page of the Presov University, of ESN (they are great and helpful), of Presov.

Have fun!

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