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Erasmus experience in Presov, Slovakia

Published by flag-pl Karolina Zielinska — 6 years ago

1 Tags: flag-sk Erasmus experiences Presov, Presov, Slovakia

Why did you choose to go to Presov, Slovakia?

I had no choice. My school had the contract only with this school at that time.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I spent there about 4 months (one term). If I'm not mistake, I got about 350 euro per month.

What is the student lifestyle like in Presov?

Student life is not the same here as it is in Poland. They usually choose to study during 3 days per week so that they could go their homes/hometowns for the rest of the week. That's why the dorm was very quiet during weekends and only Erasmus students stayed there during that time. Anyway, Slovak students are very nice and helpful, they like having fun but maybe because they don't speak English very well, they prefer their own company, but if you speak Slovak is much more fun.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Presov to other students?

Yep, definitely. This city is relatively small but it has its own climate. A lot of fancy restaurants and places to go. Kalvaria, wine museum, Ponorka. There are different festivals organised there as well. And students are quite active. They also have some festivals or contests, etc.

What is the food like?

Honestly, I didn't like their cuisine. I didn't eat there any good pizza. Maybe... eatable, but nothing more. They've got nice French fries, Hranolky ze smazenym syrom or tatarkom, also KOFOLA, which is Coke with some herbals, it's a Slovak thing.

How did you find your accommodation?

Provided by school. I didn't have to take care of it by myself. I lived in a dorm.

What are the accommodation prices like? What are prices like for other things in general?

60 euro per month paid monthly.

I could live by with my scholarship easily, but prices are higher than in Poland.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

Unfortunately I couldn't but there were such courses provided and those students who could (schedule), they attended Slovak classes. I didn't have to learn Slovak due to the fact Polish and Slovak are very similar we could communicate easily with locals.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Presov from your city?

There is a train to Muszyna, then you should change for Muszyna - Koszyce. But usually I and my friends rented a car. Anyway, there are also some buses.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Presov?

Ponorka. The only choice. Honestly, not a very nice place, people get drunk, dance on the tables, but Erasmus students go there and they have fun.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Presov?

FAST FOOD, Pizza na rohu, Hviezda... and canteen " U Magistra" : for tough guys.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

I liked it very much. Rusticity is an advantage. They have a lot of them.

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Presov in the future?

Go there, meet people, get experience, have fun!


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Comments (1 comments)

  • flag- sonia kapouto 12 years ago

    hey Karolina so i read you had a nice time in presov right?so, did you like the accommodation offered by the uni??was it comfortable?did you live on your own or with a roomate? :)

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