Experience in National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland by Maura S
Generally, what is the National University of Ireland, Galway like?
A wonderful place to learn.
What are the facilities like?
What are the tutors like?
Engaging and encouraging.
Are the lessons easy in National University of Ireland, Galway?
Learning is always easy if you are interested.
Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?
Yes, depending on the faculty. Excellent field trips.
Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?
Yes, it is of a very high standard.
Are there any stories you can share?
You'll have to come and see it for yourself!
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Comments (1 comments)
Hello! i will travel next year to Galway for Erasmus and i would like to know about money in Ireland... could you help me to know how much money can spend a student in a month( rent, food....party).
Thanks ^^