My first time living abroad

Published by flag-fi Samina Purosto — 5 years ago

Blog: Been there done that
Tags: flag-no Erasmus blog Norway, Norway, Norway


So, the first time I moved abroad was when I was 19 years old. I was bored of my life in my home country, Finland and I was bored of school. Then I had an idea of what if I would just leave this place for a bit and see how it goes.

I've never been a person to really think about what I causes my actions might have, I just do it. However my some sort of recklessness has led me to many many wierd things to experience in life.

But first off, Norway. I had a Polish boyfriend back in the day, who at that time was working in Norway. That turned out to be very useful for my adventurous mind as I would then leave Finland for my couple months in Norway.

Norway is stunning, I assure you

Right, so Norway is a very beautiful country if you are into fjords, mountains, the sea and them all combined. I sure as hell am. I love all of those things and together they create the most spectacular views. I've been to north and south of Norway, but lived in Bergen and everywhere I went, it was just amazing. The whole country is just a one big mountain.

Apart from being breathtakingly beautiful.. Norway was boring. To me at least. Everything is so right that it wrong. It's just boring. Socially, I mean and especially if you are under 20 years old. It's not crazy like some other countries and you don't get crazy experiences there for getting involved with the mob. Nor do you get stories from someone beating a guy in the toilet of a 24/7 bar at 7 am.

But if you are into everything being fine and well in your life and enjoying by yourself but not experiencing much, Norway is the place to go. I'm not saying the norwegians are bad, not at all, they are very kind people. It's just that everything is so well, that it can be boring at some point.


This photo I took from the tallest fjord around Bergen. You can get there with a trolly.

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