Erasmus Experience in Nice (France), by Stefan
Why did you choose to go to Nice (France)?
Well, it was one of the options. I chose this city because of the nice weather and beautiful beaches. Also, I was excited by the nightlife experience, but I was really disappointed!
How much did you receive as scholarship to help you with living costs?
Well, I received 500 euros as scholarship each month, but that wasn't enough to cover even 50% of the living costs here. Nice is so expensive!!
How does the student lifestyle look like in Nice?
Well, it is nice, for those who want to chill at the beach, and enjoy the nice weather, but nothing more than that. There are some parties, but it's nothing compared to what you can find in any other cities around Europe. Nice is a very quiet place, which didn't suit me because I wanted to hang out and go to parties a lot.
Would you recommend the city and the University of Nice to other students?
I studied at EDHEC Business School. Yes, this school is great, it was a great learning
experience, although sometimes the schedule is too tough. Some weeks, I spent whole days at school, from morning till evening. But sometimes, we had free weeks, so it was kind of balanced.
How does the food look life?
The food is excellent, but expensive.
How did you find your accommodation in Nice?
I found it on this website, and I am satisfied with it.
How much does it cost to live in Nice?
Well, the life is quite expensive. So, I would say an average of 800-900 euros per month. 500 euros is just for the rent.
Is the language easy to catch up? Are there language courses available at the University?
The language is difficult, and almost nobody speaks English (except from school level). Yes, there are French courses offered at school.
What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Nice from your city?
The easiest and most economical way to go to Nice by bus. The problem is during evenings, because all buses drive just until 9 pm. So at nights, only Uber is an option, but it is quite expensive.
Where would you recommend to go at nights in Nice?
Movida is best place for pre-drinks, and High Club is the only real club in Nice.
Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Nice in the future?
Well, please always check your destination before your exchange. Nice is a beautiful place, but there is no entertainment at all. That's what was missing. As a student coming from Ljubljana, in Slovenia, this is nothing compared to what Erasmus people are experiencing in Ljubljana. But if you want to enjoy the nice weather and beautiful beaches, Nice is the perfect place for sure.
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Comments (1 comments)
I love the nightlife experience in Nice France