True meaning of “Happy Hour” in Naples
“Aperitivo” time in Italy is a special ritual and it’s hard to resist doesn’t matter if it is a weekend or the working days. This tradition has the origins of northern Italy and captivated the Neapolitans immediately.
Nowadays Naples is full of marvelous places to meet after the hard working day. Happy hour composition usually includes alcohol/non-alcohol cocktail served with different snacks. The price for such ration usually varies from 5 to 12 euro.
The range of snacks can be different depending on the type of the place, every “aperitivo lover” has it’s own favorite bar. You are welcome to look through some places, each of those has its own zest:
- “Barril” – the small bar which is situated in the heart of the luxury zone Chiaia. Here everyone can have a rest from the urban chaos. The meal menu changes depending on the day of the week, the most insidious day is Thurday: you will be offered more than 40 combinations of gin and tonic so you can expect the challenge to stop just on one cocktail! Price: 7-8 euro.
- “Happening” – cozy cocktail-bar with an open terrace. Best place to try “aperitivo” made from the freshest products of Mediterranean cuisine. Reggie music lovers are mostly welcome! Price: 7 euro.
- “Enoteca Belledonne” – the main menu participant is certainly the wine: white and red, dessert and sparkling, served with different snacks like cheese, salami, prosciutto and bruschetta. Price: 7-10 euro.
- “Intra Moenia” is also famous as literary café of Naples. This place is highly values by the artists, writers, poets and other art lovers. Internal room delights with the impressive collection of the books. Various cultural events and music performances are often held were. Price: 5-6 euro.
- “Cannabistro” – probably the only place in Italy where you can try the hemp beer and bread made from cannabis plant! Only on Tuesdays there is a special price of 5 euro for your unlimited meal choice.
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