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Experience in Nairobi, Kenya by Garnett

Published by flag-ke Garnett Achieng — 6 years ago

0 Tags: flag-ke Erasmus experiences Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

What is it like to live in Nairobi? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Nairobi just like any African city, is a home of hustlers. Everyone is always struggling to be successful at something. Here, the meaning of success is relative. It could be a hawker managing to sell all his wares by the end of the day, or it could be a photographer managing to get great shots of the city skyline a top a skyscraper.

Nairobi is random. One day you could be driving and you'd spot a lion trying to cross the busy highway. Another day you could be paying double the fare because a conductor spotted a raincloud. Here, everyone is always rushing somewhere, and the sign of rain makes Nairobians move even faster.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

The staple Kenyan food is ugali. It is made out of maize flour and commonly eaten with a side dish of meant and/or vegetables. Rice is also very popular with pilau, a very spicy rice dish, being a must have for ceremonies such as weddings. Pilau is undoubtedly my favorite dish.


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What places would you recommend visiting in Nairobi?

1. The Nairobi National Park.

Nairobi, popularly known as the green city in the sun, is the only city in the sun to host a national park. Here you can find four of the big five animals: African lion, Cape buffalo, African leopard, and rhinoceros. Why not take an afternoon out and enjoy a game drive with a view of the city's skyscrapers in the background.


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2. The Karura Forest.

If you ever get tired of the city rush, you can go for a walk at the Karura Forest. I find it quite therapeutic. It is also great for bird watching as there are around 200 species of birds in this forest.

3. Giraffe Centre.

The Giraffe Centre is a sanctuary that was founded to protect the endangered Rothschild Giraffe that is native only to Giraffes. It is now home to giraffes, gazelles, warthogs etc i find this place quite exciting as you get to feed the giraffes which love to kiss people (read lick people's faces). this is my favorite place in Nairobi I spent a lot of my childhood running around the park during school trips.


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4. Masai Market.

The Masai Market is a must visit open air market for jewellery enthusiasts. The Masai community are famous for their colorful and intricate beadwork. At the Masai market, you can find ethnic jewellery, beaded leather shoes and bags, African ornaments, stone and wooden carvings and African print material.


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5. Gikomba and Ngara Markets.

Nairobians love to look trendy on a budget. To experience of the thrifty nature of Nairobians, I would recommend a visit to these second hand clothes' markets. However, be prepared for a tiring day as it does take time to find the perfect outfit.

6. The Nairobi National Museum.

I would recommend a visit to the museum for history buffs. Other than archeological artefacts, the museum is home to the skeleton of the famous elephant Ahmed that once roamed the Tsavo national Park. It is also home to a very scary, if you ask me, snake park.

7. PAWA 254

Pawa 254 is an art and activism space. It was set up by the award winning photographer Boniface Mwangi as a space for young people to hone their craft such as poetry, graffiti art while at the same time using their craft to spread a positive message. PAWA 254 also hosts many events such as open mic nights and film screenings where young and very talented Kenyans perform.



8. IHUB- Kenya (Incubation Hub)

Nairobi is currently known as Africa's silicon valley. So why not head down to IHUB, an incubation tech space to witness the innovation as it takes place. IHUB also has many events that would interest people keen about the tech start up market in Nairobi.

Is the nightlife good in Nairobi? Where is good to go?

Nairobi is home to a vibrant night scene.

Clubs suitable for students can be found in places such as Westlands.

In addition to the club scene, Nairobi hosts many concerts. We also have homegrown music events that are a chance for foreigners to experience Kenyan music such as the Koroga Festival and Rocktober Fest.


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What advice would you give future students heading to Nairobi?

Leave your expectations behind. Come to Nairobi open minded, and you will have the time of your life.

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