Please, I just want to play some football!
You may have seen me mention this in one of my previous articles, but as I love the sport so bloody much, I thought I’d dedicate an individual piece to the cause.
Due to Spain’s dominance of all things football in recent years, you would think that the ability to get your hands (or feet, I suppose) on a ball wouldn’t be too hard. Well you’d be wrong. I have been here in Murcia for nearly two months now and I’ve still yet to feel the sweet, soft leather underfoot. It’s not through a lack of trying either!
Admittedly there is some sort of informal get together that takes place on a Sunday near the river, but not only do I pride myself on my ability to do absolutely nothing on a Sunday, but based on what a work friend told me about the playing surfaces (and the fact he turned up one day with a broken nose), I’m yet to be persuaded to break habit and go along.
Potential facial injuries aside, when I say I want to play football, I mean proper football. Yes, I enjoy the odd heads and volleys more than most, but you could say I’m rather quite snobby when it comes down to it. I love a good playing surface, a good football, and goals with nets. There’s nothing more satisfying than lashing in a 25 yard screamer and not having to walk twice that to go and fetch it.
Also, my more competitive side has yet to be appeased. In Brazil I managed to get signed on to a football module at university, which was literally a dream come true. I had football twice a week, training followed by some sort of match. Anyone that knows me even the slightest won't be surprised, being as competitive as I am, that I treated every single one of these matches as an FA Cup final. Despite instilling fear in to all my Brazilian friends, shouting at them in their own language, as well as the odd English curse word, I thoroughly enjoyed the competitive atmosphere, something I also get in abundance when studying back in Nottingham.
Two Powerleague games, as well as the possibility of two 11 aside games should the weather hold up, means I get my football fix each week, and more. The problem here, being slap bang in the middle of a city and all, means finding a team, or even a decent place to play, has been difficult. Unrelenting internet searches and aimless walks up and down the city have been common, but have all yielded the same soul crushing result.
It seems that to have any decent access to a football team, or just somewhere to play, university is the way to go. This was the point I made in my pros and cons article, but I'll reiterate for those who haven’t read it. It’s basically impossible to find a football team unless it’s a university one, making working abroad a real kick in the teeth if, like me, you yearn to play the game.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not one to give up when it comes to playing football, the right way. But I would be lying to you if I said I didn’t mind. It’s killing me inside. Watching it is easy enough, but seeing the likes of Giroud and Sanchez ripping opposing teams a new one week in, week out means my desire to play and replicate this new-one-ripping-ability grows increasingly harder to repress.
The point being, if you want to play football, or any other sport for that matter, make sure you do your research. I love the placement I have here, and the truth is, I was really struggling to find anything at all so the ability to play football couldn’t really enter into my decision making process. However, I can’t stress the importance of being able to do what you love enough. As soppy as it sounds, it really is the best way to make friends and improve your language.
If everyone there is there to play football, you already have a common interest. Sport too, football or not, is a universal language, so playing it helps you adapt to your new surroundings, as well as feel comfortable in them. This article started off as a bit of a moan, and I would like to highlight one last time just how frustrated I am. But, in all seriousness, in terms of advice for your year abroad, playing a sport, or getting involved in any group activity for that matter, is one of the best ways to make the most of your time and improve your language.
Perhaps that’s why I’m even more annoyed… not only can I not play football, but my Spanish isn’t improving as quickly as my Portuguese. The ‘not playing football’ part being a massive reason for it.
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Content available in other languages
- Polski: Błagam, ja tylko chcę pograć w piłkę
- Nederlands: Komaan, ik wil gewoon voetballen
- Français: S'il vous plaît, je veux juste jouer au foot!
- Italiano: Per favore, voglio solo giocare un po' a calcio!
- Español: ¡Por Dios, solo quiero jugar al fútbol!
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Comments (3 comments)
Club Deportivo Español has never ceased
I talking about football seriously! Just to try make fun of the team players of Spain.
I talking about football seriously! Just to try make fun of the team players of Spain.