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Experience in Mersin, Turkey by Göksu

Published by flag-tr Göksu Öznergiz — 7 years ago

0 Tags: flag-tr Erasmus experiences Mersin, Mersin, Turkey

What is it like to live in Mersin? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Mersin is a big city. A city by the sea. There are many beaches to be visited. But in recent years many refugees arrived in Mersin. So the city is not as beautiful as the old one. I do not choose to live there.

How much does it cost to live in Mersin?

The prices are cheap, suitable for every budget.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Mersin? Is there any advice you can give?

It is not difficult. There are many student residences.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Generally foods are delicious. My favourite dish is Tantuni. You should taste it.

Is it good to eat out in Mersin? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

It is normal. Roma ice cream is my favourite place.

What advice would you give future students heading to Mersin?

Visit the beach if you have time. If you want to spend time at outside you can go to Pozcu because this place is safe and good.

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