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Short information about Mersin

Published by flag- müge yılmaz — 7 years ago

0 Tags: flag-tr Erasmus experiences Mersin, Mersin, Turkey

What is it like to live in Mersin? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Mersin climate is warm and humid in summers and warm and rainy in winters. City transportation is easy and cheap. It is possible to enter the sea 15 km away from the center.

What is the student lifestyle like in Mersin?

City life is very convenient for students. There are fun café bars and you can do lots of activities at low budget.

How much does it cost to live in Mersin?

Life in the car is cheap. You can rent a house for an affordable price, stay in the country, travel and travel as you wish.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Mersin? Is there any advice you can give?

It's easy to find a house in Mersin. These prices will be very cheap for students coming from Europe even though they are a little more expensive near Mersin University. You can also find much cheaper in Pozcu, one of the busiest places in the city.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

The food is delicious. Tantuni is the most beautiful and famous food. Especially Göksel Tantuni is the best in this regard. But I would recommend Şişko Tantuni for that if you want to eat Tantuni with yogurt. The famous desserts are Kerebiç and Cezerye. These desserts are also highly preferred for home visits. The most famous beverages are the Atom; banana, strawberry, chocolate chips and honey mix.

What places would you recommend visiting in Mersin?

Heaven Caves of Mersin in the county of Tarsus and the asthma cave next to it must be seen. In addition, the Maritime Museum and the Archeology Museum in Pozcu are worth seeing. Soli Pompeipolis Antique City in Mezitli, Adam Kayalar in Erdemli district are the most popular tourist attractions. Tarsus Waterfall, St.Paul Church, Ulu Cami, Eshab-ı Keyf Cave in Tarsus; Aya Tekla Church in Silifke and Aynalıgöl Cave in Aydıncık are other interesting places to visit. In addition to these, you should come to Mersin to be informed of more natural beauty.

Is it good to eat out in Mersin? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

The restaurants in Mersin are quite cheap. You can eat at very reasonable prices at many different points of the city. But if you want more stylish restaurants, we suggest Hatay Restaurant in Pozcu, or Midpoint in Marina.

Is the nightlife good in Mersin? Where is good to go?

If you want to live a night life in Mersin you should go to Pozcu. The beach bars are open and safe until 2 - 3 pm.

What advice would you give future students heading to Mersin?

Do not return without eating tantuni, drinking Atom and being in love :)

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