I got published!

Published by flag- Faye Clark — 6 years ago

Blog: Times of a Student in Malta
Tags: flag-mt Erasmus blog Malta, Malta, Malta

After being at the Times of Malta for just over a week, I was asked to conduct my very first feature piece. The nerves ran through me, but I grabbed the bull by its horns and threw myself into the project.

For someone who has never written a journalistic piece for a prominent company such as this, it was incredibly daunting. Let's just hope that it goes well!

It did go well. Very well, might I add.

Monday the 9th of July is a date I will always remember.

My very first article for the Times of Malta was published!

I got published!

Above: Me cradling the bundle of joy that is my first published piece

After working on an article for weeks, collating facts, quotes and additional information, the efforts paid off and my name was actually on print. 

It's a strange feeling seeing your work being printed in a national newspaper, one can not quite explain the pride that you have for seeing your first publication in a tangible form. It felt like my child. My hard work, my drive and focus were all driven like a jack-knife into this project as I had to make sure that it was perfect!

I got published!

Above: A closer look at the printed publication.

I even got the chance to conduct my very first interview, with Blitz coordinator - Nicole Bearman (who was an absolute delight). Her passion and drive towards creating an artisitic network for all to be involved within was evident through her quantitive responses to the questions I asked her. Needless to say, she gave me the confidence to conduct further interviews. 

The topic surrounding the feature piece was one that I was not familiar with, and with it being my first piece, it threw me completely out of my comfort zone and into a whole new world. 

The art world is one that I now have a greater appreciation of and the complexities involved with contemporary art and the methodology and deeper meaning behind them. 

Despite the barrier of not really knowing much about Maltese art and art spaces, my article was very well received and I have been invited to the Blitz residency to view their wonderful exhibitions!

The article is also available online so that I can view it whenever I please (queue the shameless plug) - you can read my article on Transformer Malta at : https://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20180709/life-features/building-artistic-relationships.683925

I got published!

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