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Why I chose to go to Madrid

Why did you choose to go Madrid, Spain?

My reason to choose was that Spain is one of the Mediterranean countries just like Turkey. Warm country. warm people. Spanish: the second most common language. taste that I thougt it would be similar with Turkey ( and I realized that I'm was very wrong bitterly. These was the reason that attracted me to Madrid.

How long did you get scholarship? How many money did you take to help to you for meeting the costs?

My scholarship was about 1600 euros per one semester. But Madrid is very expensive city. It costs approximately 700 euro( about 350 euros for rent and the other expense of house)

How is the student life in Madrid?

Nightlife is really good. Students go to clubs generally. But it is too expensive. Living in there is too expensive.

Would you recommend Madrid as a city and its universities to other students?

I would. But it depends on your sense of entertainment and financial situation. :)

YHow is food??

Too bad. There is no similarity between Turkey and Spain.

How did you find your accommodation?

It was expensice. But it was big. It was in outside of the city. It is hard to find a cheaper accommodation in city center.

How is rent? How is other expenses in general?


Is it easy to contend with language>? Is there any language course at university?

There were some Spanish language courses for foreign students. It wasn't useful because of the class crowd. But don't forget that Spanish people can speak English less than Turkish people. Learn Spanish.

What is the easiest and most economic way from your city to Madrid?

Direct flight.

Where do you recommend to go out at night in Madrid?

chueca, malasana, tribunal.

Which restaurants do you recommmend in Madrid?

I say that eat tgi fridays or mcdonalds

What is the cultural places to see?

Don't skip retiro park

What do you advice to the future students in Madrid?

Have fun.

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