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Experience in Madrid, Spain by Jorge

Published by flag-es Jorge Pereira — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-es Erasmus experiences Madrid, Madrid, Spain

What is it like to live in Madrid? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

It's a city where you always have something to do. It never sleeps, it doesn't matter if it's Monday or Friday, you'll always find good pubs, cultural activities and huge parties every day. People in Madrid are very open-minded because almost everyone's parents are not from Madrid, so I think it's easy to adapt to it, no matter where you come from. The only con is maybe the price, from my point of view.


How much does it cost to live in Madrid?

You can find a room in the center for like 300-400 euros, plus bills. Then, to go out one night it depends, it can go from 8€ or so up to 20-30€, depending on the disco or bar you go to. Maybe 700-800 a month, I'm not sure.

What is the food like? What are your favorite dishes?

Spanish food is very good I think. One of the best dishes for me is croquetas, tortilla de patatas or cocido madrileño, but in Madrid, you can find any kind of food from all around the world: Japanese, Italian, Turkish, Indian, from South America, Polish...


What places would you recommend visiting in Madrid?

The best thing about Madrid is to start walking and discover small hidden places! Those are the best. Even I, that I've been born and raised in Madrid, find new things from time to time!


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