33 reasons why Lancaster University is probably the best university, ever

  1. Because it is situated on the foot of one of the most beautiful national parks in England.



    You can't quite believe such beauty exists in the UK, right?!

  2. Because you secretly love to be a part of the college rivalry, especially in Fresher's week.

  3. You will most likely be greeted by a flock of ducks in your accomodation at some point of the year.



  4. It is one of the newest universities in the country so its facilities are pretty damn impressive.


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  6. And although it is relatively new, it is still one of the top 10 universities in the country.

    (Who cares about red brick nowadays, it's all about the league tables. )

  7. Because you probably find yourself wanting to go to the library to do work.


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  9. I mean, it has a tree.


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  11. It has the best accomodation in the country, literally, the facts don't lie.



    (Google it. )

  12. Because it has over 200 sports teams and socities, from A Capella to Cocktail making...



    (No excuse to start that hobby you've always wanted to try. )

  13. Because a whopping 97% of Lancaster graduates get a job or further study place within six months of graduation.

  14. Because you can do a semester/year abroad in one of its partner institutions, located in more than 25 countries.


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  16. It is ranked third in the UK for impact in its research, so if you want to get involved in something special, you know where to go...

  17. Because you will be best friends with your Freshers/Fresher reps.


  18. You spend the summer term chilling out and having BBQs with friends in one of the many beautiful green areas around campus.



    (Even when you should be studying, but FOMO. )

  19. Because the Sugarhouse is your most consistent friend throughout your whole degree.


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  21. Because Wednesdays are a whole weekend in themselves.

    (Sports socials might just be the most fun you will ever have. What better excuse is there to get dressed up in fancy dress with your squad? )


  22. Because at some point you will be privileged enough to go to the Carleton.


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  24. And a day trip to Morecambe will probably be on the cards too.

    (It will most likely rain, but you will definitely get used to that. )

  25. Sultans is always there for you after a night out.

  26. Roses is the biggest varsity tournament in the continent, and probably the highlight of your university experience.


  27. Old boys and Old girls is every graduate's 'excuse' to return.

    (Although every one knows that you will be itching to get back and reminiss about the good old days. )

  28. Getting an ice-cream and sitting in Alexandra Square in the summer is the best thing ever.


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  30. Greggs will be the only reason you wake up in the morning.


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  32. Because extra tickets turn into golden tickets, and your fellow classmates try to sell them to you at an extortionate price... but you find yourself buying them anyway, just so you can party with your best friends one last time for the final week of the year.


  33. You can afford to be late to everything because everything is on campus at the end of the day.

  34. Having a picnic in Williamson Park will be the best day of the year.


  35. Because you will have a second family after living with your friends for part of, or if you're lucky enough, for all of your degree.

  36. Because the town is safe, cheap and you can walk everywhere... what more could a student want.

  37. Because we actually do real degrees, and have to really study to get what we want.

    (Being a top 10 uni doesn't come easy, well first year is an exception... )

  38. Because you can go to a rave in a prison/castle. Honestly.



  39. Because enjoying a beer outside of the Waterwitch alongside the canal in the summer is unbeatable.


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  41. The arguments on the Overheard Facebook page will keep you entertained for hours.

  42. And finally – you will meet your best friends for life, after making endless memories together and being lucky enough to share one of the best university experiences imaginable.


If you're interested in going to Lancaster University after reading this text, or simply any university in the UK, here are the top 10 universities in the UK.

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