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Experience in London, United Kingdom by Francesca

Published by flag-ro Francesca Abalasei — 7 years ago

0 Tags: flag-gb Erasmus experiences London, London, United Kingdom

What is it like to live in London? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Energetic lifestyle with a lot going on at all time. I would recommend the centre of London to someone full of life and enthusiastic. For people that prefer living quality with fresh air, the suburbs are perfect.

What is the student lifestyle like in London?

Depends if you live in campus or not. Living in campus is chaotic, a lot of music and parties. Living in private accommodation is a lot more independent and quiet. In terms of entertainment is a young city.

How much does it cost to live in London?

I would say at least £1000. It is indeed a very expensive city but is worth it.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in London? Is there any advice you can give?

It is difficult but is impossible not to get one if you really want. With agencies there are a lot of documents needed. The easiest and most comfy way of doing is University accommodation.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

You can find food from all over the world. No doubts that you'll find your country's traditional dishes somewhere in a corner of London. Chicken breast with mushrooms, but I do love the Italian cuisine.

What places would you recommend visiting in London?

Is not about places, is about London itself. Start walking by foot from Leicester Square and don't worry about places everything is spectacular.

Is it good to eat out in London? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Eating is not a problem, but it's expensive.

Is the nightlife good in London? Where is good to go?

It is. There are a lot of very nice pubs where you can enjoy yourself on the Friday night. There are also the very fancy clubs in Soho, but that comes with a price.

What advice would you give future students headed to London?

Live it as much as possible. Do not spend a minute inside doing nothing. Go and explore, you will be surprised.

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