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Build your faith at Hillsong UK with John Maxwell

Published by flag-lt Adriannaerys W — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-gb Erasmus experiences London, London, United Kingdom

Loving God. Loving People. Loving Life

Often, we tend to forget what is the purpose of our life – make more money, build a beautiful villa in a sunny place or bring joy to others by showing your kindness and love?

While you are in the busy environment, where everyone has 9 to 5 jobs and time is running faster than the light, some people manage to escape this routine of ‘’being busy by being busy’’. How? They just do one simple thing.

They connect with each other. 

They sing and worship, make strong bonds and stay in the groups of inspiring loving people, who believe in is something greater than humankind has created. In the result, they serve the world and protect their faith by shining a light on people’s gifts, hopes and vision. And that’s exactly what Hillsong Church does. 


What is Hillsong Church?

Hillsong is a contemporary charismatic Christian church, which brings people of different age, race and ethnicity together to become more loving, kind and enjoy life to the fullest.  Their worship and music is authentic empowerment to become your best version, spread joy to others and spread the faith.

Originally it comes from Sydney, Australia. It was created in 1983 and today unites Christians all around the world with the groups of Hillsong Worship, Hillsong United and Hillsong Young& Free. For those who are not familiar with the ideas, education and music of Hillsong – I suggest checking it on YouTube. Although, I am pretty sure you may be familiar with Hillsong Music. Do you know the song ‘’Oceans’’? Guess who is the author of this song?

Also, every year there are conferences around the world – in places such as Sydney, London and New York. 


Hillsong in London – is that possible?

One Sunday morning my friend had free time and was on her own admiring architecture and visiting museums. Suddenly, she heard very familiar songs and the music reaching hear ears and the heart. What is that? Is there a theatre somewhere? And she was right! She was walking past the Tottenham Court in London, where one of the theatres is located. 1 pm and so many people around it? My curious friend went inside, and I was astonished – cheerful people singing, chatting with each other and sharing their emotions. I can’t believe what I saw! This is Hillson! I thought they are in Australia! – my friend was telling me on the phone call from the theatre, where she was about to see one of the greatest charismatic worships and concert.

Quickly I started reading what is that possible, that Hillsong United is in London and I have never heard about it?   


Where to find it?

It is reported that there are 7 Hillsong Churches in the UK and one of them is in London. Usually, service takes place at Dominion Theatre at Tottenham Court Road,  at 4 different times during the Sunday: 11 am, 1:15 pm, 3:30 pm and 6 pm. 

Every time your experience at Hillsong is different because they like to surprise you! Last time when I went for their service I was so lucky, as I had a chance to learn from the leadership legend, who came from Canada for a few days and now is sharing his story with us. Who is that? 


Biggest surprise - John Maxwell in front of us

And that’s the ideas we learned from him and got inspired to take action.

Therefore, you never know what Hillsong prepared for you, but you can be 100% sure – there is always a reason and deep meaning in the words that reach your heart.    

PS.  In the end to conclude my experience at the Hillsong I would like to share with you what I learned during this Sunday service. It gave me more than I could imagine, this I hope you will learn something as well as apply this knowledge into your new bright future with more love, faith, and joy. 

Wish you good luck!

                   7 Life Lessons from John Maxwell  


  • Perspective gap - how do you see your life, this is what you receive  

  •  We are all born with a robber within us. 

  • A selfish person does not want to be occupied. What is mine, is mine.

  •  What stops us from sharing fries with God? Perspective. 

  • When you are selfish, you can't be significant. 

  • God wants us to be a river, not a reservoir. Refresh others. 

  • There is nothing amazing in what you do - these gifts are from God. They are not yours.

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