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Experience in Lleida, Spain by Miriaam

Published by flag-es Miriaam Espinet — 6 years ago

0 Tags: flag-es Erasmus experiences Lleida, Lleida, Spain

What is it like to live in Lleida? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Lleida is a small city near Barcelona, is small but it have a lot of things like cinemas, discos, pubs, important shops: Foster's Hollywood, McDonald's, Burger King, Decathlon, Media Markt, Lidl... We have a commercial street full of shops, like Bershka, Zara, Stradivarius, Pimkie, Mango, Intimissimi... Etc. And the good things is that living here its more cheap than living in Barcelona or Tarragona but you are so near then you can go there to visit or party if you want.


What is the student lifestyle like in Lleida?

Every Thursday its the university night in Lleida, all students go to party and often the pubs and bars have special to the students like beer for 50 cents or 1 euro. The university organizes parties for the students too, like agrocastañada in October or megacampanada on December.

How much does it cost to live in Lleida?

With 300 euros you can pay your room in a shared apartment pay your food and go for a drink everyday.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Lleida? Is there any advice you can give?

There are a lot of shared flats near the faculties, in every university you can find the ads of shared flats, and you have the residence on Cappont campus.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

The typical dish of Lleida is the caragols a la llauna (snails) but you can eat food of all around the country too like paella, tortilla, and all this kind of things. In may there is like a festival of a weekend where people eat snails its an important event called Aplec del caragol.

What places would you recommend visiting in Lleida?

The castle called Seu Vella is the most important monument of the city, you can visit a forest that we have in the city called La Mitjana, the old town is beautiful too for going for a walk.


Is it good to eat out in Lleida? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

You can eat in Lleida in a lot of places and drink some beers in an economic way like in Risueña where there are offers and 5 beers costs 3 euros and there are so many "tapas" little dishes for one euro, or Pecaditos where there are this prices too. We have a lot of foreign restaurants too, like il Pastificcio, il Vapporeto, la Sangiovesa or Trastevere that are Italian food and the food is amazing.

Is the nightlife good in Lleida? Where is good to go?

On the center of the city near the square Ricard Vinyes there is the party zoge with a lot of bars and pubs with free enter and open until 3 am. The big disco of the city is called Larida is better to go there after the pubs with taxi because its a bit far and its on a hill, the taxis are cheap like 2 euros for person if you are 4 sharing. We have another disco in the city smaller that its alternative music called Boîte. The price of the discos are more or less 8 euros.

What advice would you give future students heading to Lleida?

Enjoy the city, don't be afraid because its a small or unknown city because is a city with good weather and a good party, is a quiet city but people its open and friendly! Enjoy!

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