Experience in King's College London, University of London, United Kingdom by Claire
Generally, what is King's College London, University of London like?
King's is a great university with a wide variety of courses and campuses. It is situated in the heart of London so there is fresh inspiration everywhere you look. I have found King's to be very supportive but also very big so I can't comment on the university as a whole because it is so diverse and I am only familiar with one faculty.
What are the facilities like?
The facilities have improved greatly since I arrived. When I first got to King's, they were still using Windows XP in some of the computer rooms but now, all the computers have been upgraded to Windows 8 (some even Windows 10) and you are never short for resources. The library is not only well equipped but also beautiful which makes studying there feel productive.
What are the tutors like?
The tutors in my department are fantastic. They are approachable, understanding and obviously passionate about their job. Perhaps the best things about King's.
I'm a student of the Spanish Portuguese and Latin American Studies (SPLAS) department.
Are the lessons easy in King's College London, the University of London?
King's is one of the top universities in the country and in the world so do not expect a walk in the park. Depending on your course, the lectures are complex, the seminars are detailed, the reading is a lot and the expectations are high - so don't expect to finish an essay in one day and get a 1st for it. It depends on the kind of person that you are but for me, I find King's to be hard but in a positive, intellectually stimulating way.
Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?
We have societies which it is your responsibility to find them and join them. The university does, however, host some really cool stuff depending on your department/faculty. SPLAS have hosted mixers where there has been free lunch, poetry nights where there has been free wine and a great atmosphere and seminars with guest speakers. You should go to at least one of them.
Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?
It depends on the subject and the relationship that you have with the teacher, but generally, yes.
Are there any stories you can share?
At the beginning of my second year, SPLAS hosted an introduction and mixer evening for the 2nd years and 4th years to meet. I was the only 2nd year to go so I was adored by the 4th years who wanted to share their year abroad stories with me. After about 3 glasses of wine later, I was very merry and talking to people about the things that I loved. When I decided to go home, I was drunk and listening to some 00s throwback Scissor Sisters whilst walking to the Tube station. Crossing Waterloo bridge at night, with the lights of the city, some upbeat music in my ears and my brain in a state of alcoholic euphoria, made me realize that I was in the best place for me and that was the beginning of one of the best years of my life. Make the most out of Kings.
Thinking about studying in London, check out other great universities that you can choose from in this amazing city in our post What are the best universities in London?
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Content available in other languages
- Español: Experiencia en el King's College London, universidad de Londres, Reino Unido por Claire
- Italiano: Esperienza presso il “King's College London”, Università di Londra (Regno Unito), di Claire
- Français: Expérience à l'université de King's à Londres, Royaume-Uni de Claire
- Polski: Doświadczenie w King's College London, Uniwersytet Londyński, Wielka Brytania według Claire
- Português: Minha experiência na King's College London, na Universidade de Londres, Reino Unido - por Claire
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Comments (1 comments)
The first photo is from King's College Cambridge, not King's College London. They're totally separate universities (with different atmospheres) - not helpful for anyone trying to understand what KCL is like.